Teacher is the main pillar of education. Competent teacher plays an important role in generating optimal student learning outcome. Therefore, it is important to understand the challenges that teachers in Indonesia are facing today in developing their competencies, as well as the efforts to overcome those challenges.
In line with efforts to increase teacher competence to teach, educate, and inspire, in this education talk, one of the researchers in RISE Programme in Indonesia (RISE), Shintia Revina explained the findings of two RISE studies related to Teacher Reform at the National Level with a presentation titled "Effectiveness Teacher Education and Training in Producing Quality Teachers ". Daniel Suryadarma, Deputy Team Leader of RISE, explained about the activities of RISE Programme in Indonesia over the past few years.
In addition, Iwan Syahril (education practitioner - Dean of the Faculty of Education at Sampoerna University), I Ketut Budiarsa (First Winner of the 2018 National Outstanding Elementary School Teacher), and Paulina Melkisidik (Teacher of INOVASI's Programme from Malinau, North Kalimantan) also shared their innovations in student learning and experience as educators.
The recorded video of the event can be watched via this link http://bit.ly/RISE-VideoDiskusiPendidikan2019
Download the presentations of RISE's researchers (available only in Indonesian):