*The event was held in Bahasa Indonesia.
In its efforts to promote evidence-based policy, RISE Programme regularly conveys the results of its research to the government and other education stakeholders. In the final year of the programme, RISE Indonesia held a workshop on "Fighting Learning Crisis, Building Foundational Skills". In this event, RISE researchers presented results RISE studies related to learning crisis and how building foundational skills in students can be one of the answers to fight learning crisis.
The study results were presented in five major themes:
1. Commit to Foundational Learning;
2. Measure Learning;
3. Align System;
4. Support Teaching;
5. Adapt Approaches
In addition, RISE researchers also conveyed lessons from the pandemic that we got from studies related to COVID-19 and student learning outcomes in Bukittinggi City and Yogyakarta City.
The presentations from the RISE researchers were then responded by the discussants, namely Irsyad Zamjani, Ph.D. (Acting Director, Center for Policy Research - MoECRT), Danang Hidayatullah (Chairperson of Indonesian Teachers Association), Dr. Ir. Hetifah Sjaifudian, MPP (Deputy Chair of Commission X of the House of Representatives), Nahdiana (Head of Jakarta Education Office). The discussion was moderated by Prof. Fasli Jalal (Rector of YARSI University dan RISE Indonesia's Advisory Committee member).
Download the speakers' presentations (only available in Indonesian) and workshop's notes: