In the era of regional autonomy, efforts to improve the quality of education are no longer limited to the central government's responsibility. Local governments that are authorized to manage elementary schools (SD) and junior high schools (SMP) have a major role in providing quality education for their communities. Through researches conducted by RISE Programme in several regions in Indonesia, we want to see districts’ responses toward decentralised education.
In addition, RISE Programme also examines current issues related to education, such as the state of students' abilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The decline in students' abilities that are not handled properly can have long-term negative consequences on student learning outcomes and their lives in the future. Therefore, RISE Programme seeks to identify the factors that cause differences in student learning outcomes during the pandemic. These findings will later be used to strengthen the policy-making process.
The webinar was held to convey the latest developments regarding RISE Programme in Indonesia's researches to public policy stakeholders, in particular researches on:
1. The impact of the zone-based student admission policy in Yogyakarta;
2. Developing assessment instruments for primary school teachers in Bukittinggi;
3. The driving and inhibiting factors of district education policy innovations;
4. The initial findings of COVID-19 pandemic and student learning loss study.
The recorded video of the event can be watched via SMERU's YouTube channel.
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