Tuesday, 2 October 2018
How can we improve learning in Indonesia? RISE Programme in Indonesia held a discussion entitled "Facing the Challenges of Education in Indonesia" on 19 September 2018. Through interactive and in-depth discussion by stakeholders of the education sector, the event was held to collect input, evidence, and insights that can contribute to the efforts of improving the quality of learning.
Monday, 1 October 2018
The fourth location of RISE learning laboratory is the City of Bukittinggi. From 7 to 12 May 2018, the RISE team conducted its first hearing with education stakeholders in Bukittinggi to explore the possibility of a collaboration.
Friday, 28 September 2018
In mid-May 2018, the RISE Programme in Indonesia team visited Kebumen District to explore the possibility of the region being the location of a learning laboratory for the Education Policy Innovations at the District Level Study (Reform Area B).
Monday, 27 August 2018
The City of Yogyakarta was the second area to be candidate for learning laboratory in the Education Policy Innovations at the District level studies (Reform Area B). The RISE team held hearings in Yogyakarta twice; first on 2-4 May and second on 31 May 2018.