Working Paper

The Spread of Innovative Policies in an Imperfect Decentralisation

The education system is a suitable platform for our analysis for two main reasons. First, local education offices are exceptionally active in implementing local-level policies. Second, measures on outcomes related to the education system is commonly found in large-scale national surveys, allowing us to construct a comprehensive data set.


Screening Teachers in Indonesia: Does Ex-Ante Teacher Characteristics Assessment Predict Teaching Effectiveness?

Selecting good teachers is vital as it can lead to a pool of teachers who will continuously strive to improve their teaching quality. Therefore, strengthening the assessment tools for screening effective teachers at their point of entry into the profession is important to improving teaching quality.


Nurturing Learning Culture among Teachers: Demand-Driven Teacher Professional Development and the Development of Teacher Learning Culture in Jakarta, Indonesia

Despite the growing attention to the importance of learning culture among teachers in enhancing teaching quality, we lack systematic knowledge about how to build such a culture. Can demand-driven teacher professional development (TPD) enhance learning culture among teachers? To answer the question, we assess the implementation of the TPD reform in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Of Power and Learning: District Heads, Bureaucracy, and Education Policies in Indonesia’s Decentralised Political System

This paper examines the politics of education policies in a decentralised political system: Under what conditions does decentralisation promote learning-enhancing policies? Despite the numerous works that have been written on decentralisation and education, little is known about how politics influenced local education policies.


Is the Game Worth the Candle? Examining the Effectiveness of Initial Teacher Education in Indonesia

An impactful teacher education programme equips teachers with knowledge and skills to improve their effectiveness. Empirical findings on the effectiveness of teacher preparation programmes show that the accountability of institutions and teachers should not only be based on the knowledge or skills produced but also on student learning. Our study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a pre-service teacher education programme in Indonesia, known as Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan or PPG.


Exploring the Politics of Expertise: The Indonesian Teachers’ Union and Education Policy, 2005-2020

Focusing on Indonesia from 2005-2020, we examine how the largest teachers’ organization influenced labor policy but was marginal in debates about professional standards, training, and evaluation due to its limited technical capacity and struggles to propose viable policy alternatives.


Selecting Teachers in Indonesia: Predicting Teacher Performance using Pre-Employment Information

RISE Programme in Indonesia studies whether teacher candidates' screening tests into Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) or Teacher Professional Education, a postgraduate education programme in Indonesia, can predict their performance at the end of the programme and in an actual classroom situation at the beginning of their teaching career.


A Policy Lens on Becoming a Teacher: A Longitudinal Diary Study of Novice Teacher Professional Identity Formation in Indonesia

The early years of a teacher’s career are crucial to the formation of their professional identity—a complex process of reconciling their personal attributes with the demands of the profession. This study explores the identity formation of novice teachers in Indonesia and seeks to identify the various aspects that shape this process. Specifically, we examine how Indonesia’s current teacher policy landscape affects novice teachers’ perspectives on teaching and their profession.


Does Higher Parental Involvement Lead to Learning Gains? Experimental Evidence from Indonesia

Kebumen Disctrict in Central Java is one of RISE's Learning Laboratory areas. RISE Programme in Indonesia collaborates with Kebumen District Education Office in conducting a study on how information delivered by teachers to parents on students’ learning progress and guidelines for active involvement in children's education can improve learning outcomes.



Who Benefits and Loses from Large Changes to Student Composition? Assessing Impacts of Lowering School Admissions Standards in Indonesia

The zoning-based new student admission policy has been implemented since 2018 in Yogyakarta City. One primary objective of the policy is to ensure students have equal access to education services.

RISE Programme in Indonesia studied the impact of the school zoning system implementation on the learning of junior secondary students in Yogyakarta.
