For the past year, RISE Programme in Indonesia with supports from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's Research and Development Body (Balitbang Kemendikbud) has carried out various activities at the national and district levels. "Seminar Perkembangan Program RISE di Indonesia" was held to convey the latest developments regarding the implementation of the RISE Programme in Indonesia to the respective stakeholders. Through this event, discussion and constructive feedback regarding RISE's research and stakeholder involvement in the policy process were created.
Dr. Rahmawati, M.Ed.(Researcher of Center for Educational Assessment, Research and Development Body, Ministry of Education and Culture), Rizki Fillaili, M.A. (Researcher of RISE), Luhur Bima, M.Ec. (Researcher of RISE), and Dr. Daniel Suryadarma (Researcher of RISE) shared their research findings related to education in Indonesia.
Presentations from the speakers are available only in Bahasa Indonesia. Please download here: