- Goldy Fariz Dharmawan (Researcher, The SMERU Research Institute)
“Kotak Hitam Pendidikan Indonesia: Menelusuri Proses Belajar di Kelas” - Nisa Felicia (Researcher, Pusat Studi Pendidikan dan Kebijakan/PSPK)
“Penyusunan Asesmen PEMANTIK dan Perannya dalam Pembelajaran” - Ujang Sukandi (Head of Teaching and Learning, Tanoto Foundation)
“Hasil Studi EGRA dan EGMA pada Program PINTAR Tanoto Foundation” - Rahmawati (Researcher of, Ministry of Education and Culture)
"Higher Order Thinking Skills: Tantangan Kemampuan Guru dan Siswa dalam Implementasi"
Overview of Forum of Development Studies
Forum of Development Studies (FKP) with the theme "Assessment of Children's Literacy and Numeracy Skills" was organized by The SMERU Research Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Tanoto Foundation, and Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).
FKP is a consortium consisting of various institutions in Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesia Project (Australian National University). This forum brings together researchers, academics, experts, civil society, the international community, and policy makers to discuss research findings with topics related to the latest development policy issues in Indonesia.
The recorded video of the event can be watched via this link: http://bit.ly/RISE-FKP2019-Video
Download the speakers' presentations (available only in Indonesian) here: