Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Developing Teaching Capacity through Training

Photo illustration: Mukti Mulyana


This article is part of the Teachers' Notes series on lessons learned from one year of teaching.


As a teacher, I've enrolled in some sub-district-level coaching programmes at the school where I work and target areas. I've also independently participated in other trainings that I heard from my university alumni forums.

The coaching included two to three training sessions for the whole school year. I've joined two sessions. The first one—before the COVID-19 pandemic—was on digital learning to keep up with industry revolution 4.0.

During the training, my fellow teachers and I learned how to operate various applications for learning activities, such as Zoom, Google Forms, and Quizizz. The speaker was a senior trainer from Jakarta's Institute for Education Quality Assurance.

We were taught to carry out assessments, including tips on making questions and practice questions and uploading them to Google Forms and Quizizz. It is not my first time using both applications because I've learned them during the Teacher Professional Education programme.

During the second training, I learned to make higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) type questions. The HOTS-type questions will prepare students to think more critically.

Other trainings I've attended include teaching children with special needs, making simple learning tools, carrying out meaningful learning during the pandemic, and learning that is relevant during the pandemic. These sessions are done online. For me, the trainings greatly impact my teaching practice in class, especially the one on teaching children with special needs and learning during the pandemic.


*This Note was written by WI, a primary school teacher in the Capital City of Jakarta.

**All articles published in the Teachers' Notes are the views of the authors. They have been edited for popular writing purposes and do not represent the views of RISE Programme in Indonesia or RISE's funders.

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