Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Since I first became a teacher in 2016, until now 2020, education policies in Indonesia have been through several changes. Some policies that I think should be frowned upon are the national exam, the mandatory lesson plan, and the pay difference between civil servant teachers and contract teachers.
Friday, 26 June 2020
My greatest challenge as a teacher is teaching a student with special needs. In my class, there is one student with special needs whom I call a special child. Every day, the child scribbles on his notebook. He would sometimes come out of the class and run around the school, passing other classes. When teachers reprimanded him, he threw a tantrum and ran again.
Friday, 26 June 2020
The second semester is nearly over. I hope, this time I can teach for a full school year. Since I began teaching in 2016, I have never held a class for a full year because I was often assigned to different classes or needed to take a leave to join the Teacher Professional Education programme (PPG).
Friday, 26 June 2020
People say the older the teak, the more expensive it will be. The same goes for beginning teachers, who take years before becoming quality teachers. As a beginning teacher, I recognise the lengthy process I have to undergo. I have many cases to solve and many students to understand.