Learning Laboratory

Preliminary Findings on Improving Parental Involvement in Children's Education

Kebumen District in Central Java is one RISE's Learning Laboratory. Florischa Ayu Tresnatri presented the preliminary findings on "Educational Survey Findings in Way Kanan District in Kebumen" in front of various education stakeholders in Kebumen District, such as regional coordinator of education, Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI), and Regional Development Planning Board (BAPPEDA).


Learning to run before walking: A system-level analysis of education in Indonesia

Niken Rarasati, RISE's researcher, presented the takeaways in helping RISE's Learning Laboratories cities and districts, namely Kebumen District (Central Java), Way Kanan District (Lampung) Bukittinggi City (West Sumatera), and Yogyakarta City (Special Region of Yogyakarta) to have sufficient capability to meet the national standards.


Social Structure and Local Education Innovation in Indonesia

Shintia Revina, RISE's researcher, presented the initial findings of Reform Area B: Education Policy Innovations at the District Level of three identified innovative cities/districts in education in Indonesia, namely Gowa District (South Sulawesi), Bukittinggi City (West Sumatera), and Yogyakarta City (Special Region of Yogyakarta) at The Australasian AID Conference (AAC) which was held on 17-19 February 2020.


Guest Lecture "Adaptive Programming: PDIA in Practice"


RISE Programme in Indonesia and Australian Embassy held a session with Professor Lant Pritchett on Wednesday, 12 February 2020. Professor Lant Pritchett is a prominent development economist and is currently the RISE Research Director at the Blatvanik School of Government, Oxford University. In this session, Lant explored the topic of adopting a problem-driven iterative approach (PDIA) to tackle local service delivery issues in education and health.


Being Innovative is Not Enough, Context Matters!:Lessons from Indonesian Decentralised Education System

One of RISE's researchers, Risa Nihayah, presented research findings of Reform Area B study at the Country Research Team (CRT) meeting in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. She presented the research findings of B1 study on education policy innovations in Bukittinggi City (West Sumatra), Yogyakarta City (Yogyakarta Special Region), and Gowa District (South Sulawesi).