
What is lacking from Minister Nadiem's 'Freedom to Learn' policy: Involving family and regional government

The “Freedom to Learn” or “Merdeka Belajar” policy launched by the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, last December, centers only on schools. Where in fact, learning outcomes are essentially influenced by families, schools, and communities or so-called the tricenter of education.


Shortage of libraries and quality readings causes Indonesia’s literacy crisis

The literacy level of the Indonesian people is still very poor. The results of the 2018 Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA), for instance, showed that 70% of students in Indonesia have low reading ability (below Level 2 on the PISA scale). This means that students cannot even find the main idea or important information in a short text.


Commemorating National Teacher's Day in the midst of a pandemic: The importance of equipping teachers with adaptability

The Teacher's Day that we commemorate in the midst of this pandemic needs to be filled with appreciation of teachers’ efforts to ensure learning continues. Let’s hope this pandemic will end soon so that teachers and students can meet again in person at school. Happy National Teacher’s Day!


Distance learning is here to stay. We must make its quality equal to in-person learning

So long as the COVID-19 pandemic remains uncontained, distance learning is likely to stay the primary method of learning for many students. The implementation of the emergency public activity restrictions (PPKM), for instance, has caused the government to postpone its plans for in-person learning in schools throughout Java-Bali.


Research confirms the massive impact of parents on children's learning: We must continue to build their role after the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning have “forced” parents to carry a gigantic load to be more engaged with their children’s education while they learn from home, despite various challenges. The good news is that a study conducted by The SMERU Research Institute in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, shows that parents in the area have managed to overcome those challenges.