Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Becoming a civil servant is every teacher’s dream in this country. Working in a new place with a new status surely needs adjustment, especially with the new environment. I want to create a working space that feels like home and bring forward friendly relationship among colleagues. As a teacher, I have quite a bit of experience so I think it would not be too difficult for me to adjust.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
I hope the school where I work will be better in the next ten years and its students will get more passionate about their study in a bid to improve this country. Therefore, I can help this country managing bonus demography, reaching the so-called Golden Indonesia 2045 when Indonesia turns 100 years old.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
I hope there are young, highly dedicated teachers to be directly involved in improving Indonesia’s education quality in the next decade. I hope there will be many bachelors of education devoting themselves to build this country's education system. I want a great change in the world of education, especially its curriculum.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
When I envision myself being a teacher in the next decade, I want to be productive, be active in organisations, join seminars as a speaker or attendee, participate in competitions for both students and teachers, become a content writer on education, and get my postgraduate degree to increase my qualification.