Sunday, 23 February 2020
The process of getting a teaching job with contract employment varies from school to school. All of the contract teachers whom we met hoped that their contract employment was temporary, and that eventually they would be promoted as a civil servant teacher. Here are stories from two contract teachers on how they got their teaching job and the process that they have to go through in realising the...
Sunday, 23 February 2020
When Indonesia was under the centralised government system, teacher recruitment was administered by the central government. At that time, the recruited teachers failed to meet teacher needs in many regions in Indonesia, especially in remote areas.
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Data from the Ministry of Education and Culture shows the number of teachers in Indonesia is more than three million. Roughly 1.6 million teachers are civil servants, while the rest are on non-permanent employment—widely known as contract or honorary teachers.
Monday, 17 February 2020
Despite being a new teacher, I offer inputs to the school principal, which unfortunately receive a minimal response. Do I get upset? I do, but I am determined to stay motivated.