Thursday, 10 January 2019

The Importance of Capacity Building for Teachers - Iwan Syahril

“The solution to the problems faced by teachers is capacity building. In my opinion, we have already heard too much about or done too many assessments showing that our students’, teachers’, and education stakeholders’ performances are still very low. But what we’re really lacking is a way to build capacity in order to help them be better.

At the moment, I think that the efforts are still scattered and done by a lot of different agencies. It’s impossible to have a SMERU or RISE in every district/city. So we need to have RISE-like programmes or SMERU-like institutions in each district, so that we can face various problems and challenges in each of those districts.”


Iwan Syahril from Sampoerna University shared about the biggest challenge in improving teacher quality in Indonesia and its solution, during the RISE Programme discussion on 19 September 2018.


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